Most. Aysha Khatun

Name: _ Most. Aysha Khatun
Name: (বাংলায়) _ মোছাঃ আয়শা খাতুন
Designation: _ Physical Teacher
Subject Name/Dept. _ Physical Education & Sports
Index No & 1st MPO date: _ N1149123, 01-05-2019
Date of joining: _ Past Joining:5-02-2019, present: 13-02-2022
Mobile & Telephone No: _ 01760-264389
Emergency contact No: _ 01760-264389
E-mail No: _ [email protected]
Father’s Name: _ MD. Hedayet Ullah
Mother’s Name: _ Late. Moriyam Begum
Spouse Name: _ Not applicable
Present Address: _ Kanmaria, Pochamaria, Puthia, Rajshahi
Permanent Address: _ Kanmaria, Pochamaria, Puthia, Rajshahi
Date of Birth   25-05-1987
Place of Birth   Rajshahi
Marital Status   Single
Sex(Male/Female)   Female
Religion   Islam
Nationality   Bangladeshi by Birth
TIN No.(If applicable)   655564535587
Blood Group   A+